"Goat cheese is an aged cheese that's made with goat's milk. It's great as a topping for everything from salad to pizza to spaghetti squash." "You also get 2 grams of protein in this small amount of cheese. Plus, harder cheeses like Parmesan tend to have a stronger flavor," says Gorin, noting that a tablespoon of Parmesan only has 32 calories.

"Parmesan cheese is so great because it adds a lot of flavor to recipes. Gorin likes using cottage cheese as a dip for fruit or in a high-protein pasta sauce. "I love to recommend cottage cheese as part of a protein and calcium-packed snack," echoed Amy Gorin, M.S., R.D.N., owner of Plant Based with Amy. "Next time you're in the dairy aisle, look for brands that have the words 'live and active cultures' on the label," she says.

Protein aside, Yawitz also pints out that some types of cottage cheese contain beneficial bacteria that are thought to improve digestion, boost the immune system, and even promote weight loss. Yawitz says that there's a reason why bodybuilders eat so much low-fat cottage cheese-just one cup provides a whopping 24 grams of protein and only 183 calories. Below, check out seven cheese varieties that get nutritionists' stamp of approval. Needless to say, opting for real cheese is the way to go for your health. "Eating it on the regular could increase your odds for high blood pressure, especially if the rest of your diet is also high in sodium." For example, one ounce of American cheese has more than 2.5 times as much sodium as one ounce of cheddar," she continued. "Processed cheese also tends to be much higher in sodium than real cheese. "These ingredients-which are often added to improve shelf life and texture-make processed cheese products significantly less healthy than real cheese." On the other hand, Yawitz said highly processed cheese products "contain some cheese and a lot of additives-like dyes, preservatives, and emulsifiers," citing American cheese, Provel, Velveeta, EZ Cheese, and Cheez Whiz as examples. "In most cases, you'll find it in the refrigerated section of the store." These curds are then turned into cheese," she says, noting that cheese that's made using this process has a very brief ingredients list and a limited shelf-life. "Real cheese is made by adding bacteria and enzymes to milk, which causes the milk to form curds.

The trick when it comes to cheese, says Yawitz, is knowing what to look for at the store. "According to one meta-analysis of 15 studies, eating about 1.4 ounces of cheese every day may even lower your risk of heart disease and stroke," she says. Yawitz says that cheese can be a great source of protein, healthy fats, calcium, vitamin D, a host of B vitamins, and-in some cases-probiotics. But I eat cheese pretty much every day and encourage most of my clients to do the same," says Kim Yawitz, R.D., a gym owner in St. "A lot of people assume that you have to give up cheese if you're trying to eat healthier. BEFORE YOU SAY " pass the cheese" (or, let’s be real, hover outside your fridge scraping brie out of its rind with your bare hands), it may be helpful to know the difference between real cheese and processed cheese.